Grief and Bereavement forum groups

Prayer request
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Author:  AngelJuliasMommy [ Sun Dec 23, 2007 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Prayer request

I would like to add the Hudson family to your prayer request his holliday. . A co worker of mine lost his mother yesterday afternoon. Im not sure if his mother has the same last name as him but his last name is Hudson so Im going by that for now till I know more. Being so close to Christmas you know this family will need all the prayers you can give. I seen him lastnight he came by with my bosses husband and I did go out and speak to him. Its heart breaking to see a man in such pain. He was really close to his mom. Thank you all and bless you.


Author:  JANE_E [ Sun Dec 23, 2007 2:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

This time of year is a double whammy to lose someone. A woman I worked with at the college just lost her husband yesterday........... they have two little children. How can Christmas ever be ok again for them? My heart just goes out to her.............

Every Christmas forever now, will be a reminder of her loss. He was only 33 years old. I don't know what happened to him, he died at home. My friend told me it was a heart attack........ she found him when the alarm went off for work.

Just when you think you've been selected for the worse pain ever, you hear another story...........

Another 18 year old was killed two days ago on one of our highways. A 14 year old boy was driving his parents car and crossed the middle line and hit her head on. He was being held for manslaughter and taking a car without permission, but now his parents say he did have permission........... which makes them liable also.

Life is so complicated.......... and can be so sad.


Author:  MissingMyMelody&Mommy [ Sun Dec 23, 2007 2:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm sending many prayers to you and the Hudson Family as well. *hugs* You are so sweet to think of them and ask for prayers.


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