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Author:  JANE_E [ Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Headstone

Kelli just sent me the final proof for their headstone. She has a plot next to Scott's and they have a joint headstone. It will be beautiful, it has their picture on it, an eagle and a lighthouse that was very special to the two of them.

It would have been in a long time ago, except Kelli wanted the spot next to Scott and wanted a joint headstone so my older son bought the plot and is paying for the stone for the two of them. They are so very expensive........

It broke my heart to see it. Seeing my son's name on a headstone is so painful I felt like I would throw up............. But at the same time, it's more than I can bear to see that grave with nothing on it but a simple little plastic band with his name on it.

Why do we have to go through things like this? WHY? what possible good has come from it? Three children without a father, Kelli crying herself to sleep every night, me crying all the time........WHY?

I'm so glad it's going to be in before his first angel anniversary, but how can I possibly bear this? How do I survive it?


Author:  Cindy [ Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh Jane, I'm so sorry. I know how hard that is having to deal with the idea of Scott's name on a headstone. I so wish none of us had to go through that. But I also know how hard it is not to have a nice marker for our children too. It's just not good either way.
I'm just so sorry. I love you and I'm praying for you. I wish there was more I could do.
Love, Cindy

Author:  Susan [ Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:46 pm ]
Post subject: 


I'm so sorry sweetie. This is the hardest thing any of us will ever go through and it just isn't right that we have to.

My heart and prayers go out to you. The only way to survive this is one day at a time, one hour at a time and sometimes one minute at a time. Stay in the moment and keep breathing.

Love and hugs,

Author:  Barbara [ Tue Sep 04, 2007 9:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm so sorry,I know how hard it is to see yourchilds' name on a headstone marker.
Its something none of us should ever have to go through.I wish I knew what to say to make it easier.I'll keep you in my prayers.

Author:  Cece [ Tue Sep 04, 2007 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Headstone

Jane, My heart is with you. Laura was cremated. We had to give 1/3 of her ashes to her husband because he was the next of kin. We were lucky to get the rest. 1/3 has been put into an urn that I chose. It is a brass box that is enameled burgundy/violet then engraved so, the brass shows through. It is on my mantel. You will see it at her Portland celebration of life. The other 1/3 are in a box at her sister's house. They will be split between her son's and her sister. When I am ready my share will be placed in Illinois with her father. I don't know when that will be, but then I will have to choose a headstone. I hope I am stronger by then. Her husband called me today and told me he buried his share in one of their favorite spots in Arkansas. No cemetary. Just a favorite place of theirs. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but I have no say. Again, Jane my heart is with you. Lucy

Author:  Lynda [ Tue Sep 04, 2007 9:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dear Jane,
First, know that we all love you in here and that we are here for you to talk about how your feeling each and every time you go and visit Scott. Seeing our babies (yes, even our BIG boys are still our babies...Garion I am sure is embarrassed I said that!) names with a beginning and an end date is still so very difficult for me, as I know it is for all of us in here. Even when you feel alone, know that you are not alone. My heart breaks for you, Kelli, and the boys. I can not imagine being in Kelli's eyes tear up at the thought. Just as many people can not imagine being in our shoes. Life seems so unfair and I wish I had the answers for you. Anything to ease your heart, I would do.
I know Scott is so very proud and honored to have you as his mother, Kelli as his wife, just as he is proud of his boys. Know that he is looking down on you all with so much love, as there is no such thing as too much love in heaven.

Author:  Tonya [ Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Dear Jane....I am praying for you. Seeing our child's name on a headstone is so very difficult. To me, it's not meant to be this my plan, I was always supposed to go first, not my children. Just please know that you, Kelli and the boys are in my thoughts and prayers.

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