Grief and Bereavement forum groups

Thank you all
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Author:  Patsy-VernsMom [ Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Thank you all

Thank you all so much for your kind replys. It is so hard for me his son wanted his Dad all to himself he had a few mental promblems and come to find out his Dad does too. I wish I had never took my son into that house that nite, the sounds what I saw play over and over in my mind, especially when I try to sleep.
Thanks to you all for listening I live alone and really have no one to talk to, you all have been and are a blessing

Hugs Patsy

Author:  Cindy [ Wed Sep 12, 2007 11:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

I can only imagine what goes through your mind at night when you're needing so badly to rest. I had to suffer from seeing my son connected to life support and that was terrible for me. His was just because of his bad kidneys. That's why I say I can only imagine. I'm so sorry. I am going to ask the Lord to replace those bad pictures with good ones. I know it may take a while but I'm believing with time He will. It's enough to lay in bed at night and cry for our children without the terrible images going through our minds.
I know you wish you would have never took your son into that house that night but there was no way for you to know what would happen. If you had known you would not have done it. It wasn't your fault. Normally we can trust that our children are safe if they are in our care. That was completely out of your control. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry too that you have to live alone and have no one to talk to. Please come here and talk any time you need to. There will always be someone that will listen and care. It may be a little while before we come here and read what you said but we will come.
Love and prayers, Cindy

Author:  Lynda [ Wed Sep 12, 2007 11:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dear Patsy,
Your story has touched my heart in so many ways. I couldn't imagine what you had to go through and continue to go through. All of this coming from someone you use to love and trust...oh dear, my heart breaks and I am so so so sorry!!!!!!!!!!!
I do continue to suffer from "flashbacks" (this is what I call the images that replay in my head). I am on medication because of them and post traumatic stress disorder. My images stem from watching my son being so happy to 4 seconds later the blood hurling scream that came out of my mouth..... and then again as he took his last breaths. My stomach literally feels so sick right now.
I may not be able to imagine what you went through that night and sometimes I am at a loss for words. But know that we are here for you to talk to. I may not always know what to say, but I will ALWAYS listen. There are even times no words are necessary, just a simple "I care".
Know that I care!

Author:  Tonya [ Thu Sep 13, 2007 8:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Please know that we are ALWAYS here for you. You are in my prayers. God Bless you!!

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