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 Post subject: Re: (Re)Introduce Yourself, Your Angel, Your Angel's Story
PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:36 pm 

Joined: Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:24 pm
Posts: 350
Location: Portland,Oregon
Charity, My heart aches for you. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you. Lucy

Lucy Carter

In loving memory of, Laura Dawn 2/26/68-7/19/07, my first born child, my daughter, my friend.
In loving memory of, Myron H. (Ozzie) Osborne 8/22/22-3/29/89, My dad, my teacher, my hero.

Megan, Heather, Andrew,( Laura ), Mary, Jim, Russell

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 Post subject: Re: (Re)Introduce Yourself, Your Angel, Your Angel's Story
PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:18 am 

Joined: Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:23 pm
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Location: Oklahoma
I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful little boy.Your family will be in my thought and prayers.
Here if you need anything!

Those we love remain with us, for love itself lives on.


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 Post subject: Re: (Re)Introduce Yourself, Your Angel, Your Angel's Story
PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:29 am 
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Your User name and real name (first name is all I ask) Mommy me and my real name is Melissa
Your Angels name(s) Calypso Paikea Rhyder Lane
Your Angels Birth Date 6/14/2007
Your Angels Death Date 7/7/2007
State that you live in Indiana
Your Angels Memorial Page(s) (if you have one)

Calypso's story is long but I'll include it here

At 9 weeks I was gushing blood and they swore up and down I was loosing the baby..... I didn't. We breezed through the next few weeks easily until 18 weeks. I had been spotting. Went in for an u/s. Calypso's amniotic fluid was at 1.5 (4.5 is critical) the u/s lady kept asking me if I had been leaking. I told her no, no I hadn't. They scheduled me for a recheck in 2 weeks saying she probably just needed to pee.
At 20 weeks I saw them again. The u/s tech was very very quiet and told me that the baby still had no fluid and that my placenta looked 'funny'. She went to get my Dr. He came in crying and told me I was at very very high risk for interuterine fetal demise and having a stillborn baby. They referred me to a high risk Dr. who I saw the following Monday.
I saw the High Risk Dr. at 21 weeks 2 days. He told me the baby looked ok and we were in a wait and see stage and I'd have every 2 week u/s. I never made it to my next appointment. On May 2nd at 23 weeks 5 days I woke up in a pool of blood. I called 911 and they took me away to our local hospital. They found Calypso's heartbeat and transferred my up to IU Hospital in Indianapolis.
There they diagnosed me as a placental abruption case. We had to sign papers telling them that if Calypso was born super early we wanted agressive treatments to save her.
I spent 6 weeks in the hospital bleeding heavily off and on. When I hit 29 weeks I was so excited, if I had my baby she would live! I was so freaking happy.
On June 14th at 1:30 am I was 6 cm and they gave me an epidural. At 3 am I called my friend. At 3:15 I was feeling weird and the Dr's. came in to check me. I told her I'd call her back. Calypso was born 5 minutes later in one push. She came out sunny side up and had her eyes open (I wish so badly I had seen her eyes, I never got to see them) she even tried to cry. She was 3 lbs 1.9 oz and 13 inches long.
I got up about an hour later to go pee and started hemorraging. The Dr. started my iv with pitocin (I got 2 bags) and they put cyotec up my bum and he MANUALLY yanked clots out of my uterus while shoving on my stomach. Finally they got everything under control
At 5:30 am they had Calypso stable enough to transfer her to Riley and I got to meet her briefly before they wisked her away.
Calypso was doing good, she had some small problems but was doing great. Then it happened, the unthinkable and most dreaded word that any preemie parent will ever hear NEC (Necrotizing Enterocolitis) it's a severe intestinal infection in preemies. It causes all kinds of problems, including renal failure. I was still so freaking hopeful! Everyone kept promising me she'd come home. Here's 2 of my journal entries leading up to her death .
WEDNESDAY, JULY 04, 2007 02:12 AM, CDT

A letter to God I wrote today

Dear God,

I know everything you do is for a purpose. And I KNOW it in my head but I can't for the life of me understand in my heart WHY my baby girl has to go through this stuff. She's so small but has already had stuff done to her that most adults haven't had done to them.

I realize that I may not be able to see her grow to adult hood but I beg you with EVERYTHING in me to let her come home. Even if it's just for a while. I want her to come home and be with her sisters and with me.

I want to hold her and rock her and actually be able to kiss her head. I want to sing to her and know she hears me. I want to see her eyes. I haven't even been able to do that. I want to be able to put her in clothes that WE bought her. And take her on a car ride and a walk through the park.

I want her to go to MOPS with me and the girls and smile at me. I want her to sleep in her own crib and use the diapers we have for her.

Please Lord I don't care if she's on oxygen or a vent or has been trached. I don't care if she's on a feeding tube or what. I just want her home. I want to hold her in my arms and tell her how much I love her. Please God you've done things so much more complicated then this surely it's not an unreasonable request?

In Jesus Name
And the day before she died
FRIDAY, JULY 06, 2007 06:11 PM, CDT

Whoever says compassion and is dead and humanity is selfish needs to step back and re-evaluate their lives. The amount of support we've have for our baby girl is so staggering it brings tears to my eyes.

The fact that these people online who've never met me or my daughter are supporting her and praying for her without ceasing. My family members and friends who've never met her. It makes my heart swell with gratitude and love to know so many people are so involved with my angels life story.

We sat down and met with a team of Dr.'s today. They told us her kidneys still aren't working BUT that her NEC is almost GONE!!!! They injected die into her stomach and watched it move through her body!!! Now we are simply waiting to see if her Kidney's kick in. Dr Engles said that he's seen babies in Kidney Failure up to 4 weeks and then BOOM one day they start peeing and don't stop again. He also said the fact that she had a few days of pee and then nothing also could mean that they are Starting to function because sometimes they do that start and stop.

Baby girl is still in Critical Condition of course but there is hope. He said if she starts acting like things are getting to hard on her they can try a medicine or try dialysis. This could be risky since her stomach and intestines ARE still healing BUT if she starts going down hill we'll do anything possible to help her.

Right now they are monitoring her fluid, electrolytes, and all that stuff. As well as her blood pressure and blood gasses. All those at the moment are stable.

Over all we're playing the waiting game. Wait and see if she can do this or wait till God takes her home to be with him.

So Kind of the same news we already had with the one exception about the NEC being gone.

I know the news will spread quickly and wanted to remind you all of this. Humanity and Compassion are NEVER NEVER gone. Sometimes there is just so much junk to wade through that the compassion and caring gets over looked. Please take a moment out of your day to smile at someone and give them a bit of hope in the world. And Thank you All for giving us and our earthly angel this hope that the world hasn't gone to hell in a hand basket

****The morning of the 7th the Nicu called me at noon and told me she was hurting bad and fighting the vents and her bp and oxygen levels weren't doing well. and we needed to get up there asap. I started bawling. I knew what was happening. The day before we'd gone to see Calypso and then I'd had a drs appointment and then Raeden did too and I was tired and DH went up to say Goodbye to Calypso and I didn't. On the way home I freaked out and told him if something happened I would hate myself for not telling her goodbye. Oh God I never told her goodbye and the next day she died.
We were 10 minutes out of Indianapolis nearing Riley when the NICU Dr. called again, you could tell from his voice things were bad. He said to get the whole family up there. I practically ran to the NICU and there was THE sign, that horrible horrible sign 'The NICU is Temporarily Closed' For any NICU mom they KNEW what this meant. A baby was passing or had passed away. I went in to see my princess as we waited for DH to get up there. I sang to her OUR lullabye. JUST ours Hine, E Hine.
Dh got there and we talked to the Dr's. They told us her oxygen sats had been below 60 for too long. There was too much fluid on her lungs and while they could TRY another proceedure there was almost no chance of it working. So we made the decision and we took her off the vent.

Here's my journal entry from that day
SATURDAY, JULY 07, 2007 06:18 PM, CDT

Calypso Paikea Rhyder got her angel wings today 7/7/07.
People say 777 is heaven's number and today I truly believe that.

As we were on our way to the NICU this morning about 10 minutes outside of Indy the dr called and told us that her oxygen sats had been under 60 for 4 hours and we needed to hurry because we were loosing her.

When we got there I called my parents and we went in to see her and talked to the doctors. I could tell just by looking at her it was obvious she was already almost gone. The drs said they could try another procedure that had little chance of working or take her off the vent. We chose to let her go. The hardest thing we've ever done in our life.

But doing the right thing is not always easy. As I held my angel today they baptized her and my girls got to come in and to see her. And my mom and my mil held her. Then we went to the other room and they were taking her off the vent and were going to bring her to us.

Oh Lord she fought! Even without the ventilator in my arms I could hear her gurgling and trying to breathe and I wanted to DIE. I was killing my baby and letting her die. My angel went to heaven in a room surrounded by my family and dh's family. We don't have an exact time of death because she died in our arms.

They dressed her in an outfit and wrapped her in a blanket and brought her back to us again to love on her. Before we left they gave us the clothes and the blanket she had been wearing as well as a lot of mementos. They did foot prints and hand prints and casts of her hands and feet which they will mail to us. We got a baptism certificate as well as a large teddy bear with a card that reads

'I know that this little teddy bear could never heal your broken heart or replace your child but, it will give you something to hold on to.
These teddy bears were given in memory of children that were called back to Heaven far too soon.
This teddy bear was given in memory of Scottie Michael Mullenix with love from his family'

And it has a picture of an angel on it. We also got every blanket and hat and anything that Calypso had used in the NICU.
My soul is half missing and it will never be whole until the day I am reunited with my princess.

My precious baby love. My last child spent 23 short days on this Earth but they will forever be the most memorable days in my life.

Missing my Sweet Calypso always

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 Post subject: Re: (Re)Introduce Yourself, Your Angel, Your Angel's Story
PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 3:30 pm 

Joined: Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:24 pm
Posts: 350
Location: Portland,Oregon
Melissa, Your baby's site is beautiful. It does help to talk about it. Feel free to come back and share. Hugs, Lucy

Lucy Carter

In loving memory of, Laura Dawn 2/26/68-7/19/07, my first born child, my daughter, my friend.
In loving memory of, Myron H. (Ozzie) Osborne 8/22/22-3/29/89, My dad, my teacher, my hero.

Megan, Heather, Andrew,( Laura ), Mary, Jim, Russell

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 Post subject: Re: (Re)Introduce Yourself, Your Angel, Your Angel's Story
PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:06 pm 
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Posts: 9
Thank you Lucy. Would you mind if I bookmark your daughter's site and leave her candles. I have some sites that I try to leave candles for weekly.

Missing my Sweet Calypso always

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 Post subject: Re: (Re)Introduce Yourself, Your Angel, Your Angel's Story
PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:29 pm 

Joined: Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:24 pm
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Location: Portland,Oregon
Oh no I wouldn't mind at all. Thank you. BTW I have a vision of my Laura being Calypso's angel mom. Laura had 3 boys and always wanted a baby girl. When she died she was trying to get pregnant. I picture her up in heaven just loving up the babies.

Lucy Carter

In loving memory of, Laura Dawn 2/26/68-7/19/07, my first born child, my daughter, my friend.
In loving memory of, Myron H. (Ozzie) Osborne 8/22/22-3/29/89, My dad, my teacher, my hero.

Megan, Heather, Andrew,( Laura ), Mary, Jim, Russell

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 Post subject: Re: (Re)Introduce Yourself, Your Angel, Your Angel's Story
PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:42 pm 
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Joined: Mon Dec 15, 2008 9:43 pm
Posts: 9
Awwww what a lovely thought! That makes me smile. I have horrible dreams sometimes that Calypso is alone even though I know she's not.
Btw I didn't even realize Laura died not long after Calypso did and Right before my cousin did. 20 days after Calypso died a real close cousin of mine was KIA in Afghanistan

Missing my Sweet Calypso always

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 Post subject: Re: (Re)Introduce Yourself, Your Angel, Your Angel's Story
PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 6:15 pm 

Joined: Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:24 pm
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Location: Portland,Oregon
Yes, 12 days after Calypso. 9 days after my birthday. I miss her terribly, but I am so thankful that she was a part of my life for so long. It is still hard to lose a child of ay age, but I have my memories and her children. That is a comfort.

Lucy Carter

In loving memory of, Laura Dawn 2/26/68-7/19/07, my first born child, my daughter, my friend.
In loving memory of, Myron H. (Ozzie) Osborne 8/22/22-3/29/89, My dad, my teacher, my hero.

Megan, Heather, Andrew,( Laura ), Mary, Jim, Russell

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 Post subject: Re: (Re)Introduce Yourself, Your Angel, Your Angel's Story
PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:04 pm 
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Posts: 14
Your User name and real name violet6160-Marian
Your Angels name(s) Melissa Sue Mims Platt
Your Angels Birth Date February 3, 1977
Your Angels Death Date December 17, 2008
State that you live in Texas
Your Angels Memorial Page(s)

My daughter Melissa was assaulted by her boyfriend on Oct 3, 2008(he told the police she fell in the bathroom) he let her lay there with no medical help until Oct 8, 2008. I had been trying to get ahold of her and couldn't and asked for a welfare check, she lived in North Carolina and I live in Texas. She was taken to the local hospital and then airlifted to Pitt County Memorial Hospital l in Greenville, NC . She had a brain bleed and blood clot on the right side of her head, a black eye on the left eye, her jaw was broken on the left and right side, she had a huge bruise behind her ear on the left side, bruises on her neck that looked like someone had choked her and bruises on her back, her arms , her legs and stomach. They did a craniatomy that night. After being in the hospital for a week fluid was building up on her brain so they put a drain pn the right side. She was able to talk a little at that time but she couldn't remember what happened to her. She thought her daughter who is 13 was 5 and didn't remember her other daughter at that time.

Then she developed Staphylococcal Meningitis and was given antibiotics to fight that but then she developed another type of staph infection. The doctors were telling us that she was developing alot of necrosis on her brain . Then she got klebsiella infection and that was just to much for her body because of her weakened immune system, they told us there was nothing else they could do and she went to the Lord on Dec 17, 2008.

During this time her boyfriend never once called us to check on her or went to the hospital to see her. As of this date he has still not been charged with anything. They gave him a voice stress test in Feb, 2009 and the detective said he was somewhat deceptive on some of the questions. I asked the detective if they could at least charge him with neglect for leaving her lying for six days with no medical help and he told me Well no because he fed and bathed her , I said How do you know that, because he said that. He couldn't have fed her because her jaw was broken on both sides and they had to feed her through a tube in her nose in the hospital. This man has gotten away with murder.

I wrote a letter to the District Attorney and sent it along with photos of my daughter when she was in the hospital. I have called him but he never answers his phone and I leave my name and number but he still hasn't called me back. I guess Domestic Abuse is not important to Law Enforcement in North Carolina.

I just think how unfair this all is, my daughter was 31 when she passed and she had two beautiful daughters who she will never see grow up and this man goes about his life everyday, but even if he doesn't get charged he will someday have to answer for what he did to Melissa and then she will finally have justice.

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 Post subject: Re: (Re)Introduce Yourself, Your Angel, Your Angel's Story
PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:21 pm 
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Hello, my name is Anita, and I lost my son "Little Gene" 25 years ago but to me it was like yesterday. He was a very active little boy, full of life. He played baseball and loved to go fishing.
In late Nov 1983 he went fishing with his best friend and his Dad, it rained and was very cold. Gene in turn caught a nasty cold, and just couldn't seem to shake it. I took him to the hospital ER on several different days, and the Dr told me to give him asapirin to help reduce the fever, and that he would be fine. We he contintued to worsen, over the Thanksgiving Holiday and once again off to the ER we went, and I was told I was "an over protective Mom" and to take him home and let the cold run it course.
Well on the 26th of Nov. he was so much worse, I called another Dr and he met us at the hospital and began running STAT tests, in just a short time the Dr called me out into the hall and told me our son had Reyes Syndrome and was going to die. He was air lifted to another hospital and once again I was told he was going to die. and if I had gotten him there sooner he might of had a chance to live but he died 1 week later. At the age of 8 years 10 months.
My life has never been the same since. I guess it will never be.

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 Post subject: Re: (Re)Introduce Yourself, Your Angel, Your Angel's Story
PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:59 pm 
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Hi Anita

I am so sorry for the lost of your beloved Little Gene, a beautiful angel in Heaven he is, I know all to well the pain you feel, no matter if its one month or 25 years the pain is still the same. I take comfort in all the caring people who have reached out to me and lit candles for my Angel Melissa. May you find comfort in that too.

When you feel a gentle breeze, Caress you when you sigh, It's a hug sent from Heaven, From a loved one way up high.

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 Post subject: Re: (Re)Introduce Yourself, Your Angel, Your Angel's Story
PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:08 pm 
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To both Anita and Marian,

I am so sorry for your loss and feel your pain. I wish there were something I could say other than "I know what you are going through" -- I am newly bereaved; I lost my 24 year old son last month as a result of an auto accident (the driver was drunk, and walked away from the accident with cuts and bruises). My 22 year old daughter is having difficulty finding a reason to go on, and truthfully, I am trying to find a reason to even get out of bed every day. I cry at the drop of a pin, I'm not even interested in going back to work, and I'm really questioning my faith. It really, really sucks. Some days I'm angry, some days I'm sad, some days I feel as though I've accepted the fact that he's gone. Then I go back to being angry again and it starts all over. I hate this ache in my heart. It hurts so much.

Your User name and real name: CindyM / Cindy
Your Angels name(s): Jason Falke
Your Angels Birth Date: March 11, 1985
Your Angels Death Date: February 16, 2009
State that you live in: Florida
Your Angels Memorial Page(s) (if you have one): I just came across this website, and I will be creating a page. Currently, the complimentary (from the funeral home) site is at, and search under last name of Falke (Jason).

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 Post subject: Re: (Re)Introduce Yourself, Your Angel, Your Angel's Story
PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:52 pm 
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To Cindy & Heather

I am so sorry for the passing of your beloved Jason, I know exactly how you feel, when my daughter passed I did not want to go on, I felt like time just stopped, I kept thinking that everyone should know that I had lost my beloved daughter and why was everything just going on like normal. But I know my daughter is safe in the arms of God , as is your Jason, both of them beautiful angels, I feel that my Melissa and your Jason are looking down upon us and sending us their love. I know that making Melissa's website has helped me tremendously, there are so many caring people who have reached out to me. I think it might help you and your daughter, I am not very good with words but I hope that I have helped you a little. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Let me know when you make Jasons memorial website so I can light a candle for him. You can email me at

Melissa's Memorial Web address is

Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know that are happy. Author Unknown

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 Post subject: Re: (Re)Introduce Yourself, Your Angel, Your Angel's Story
PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:56 pm 
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hi, this is my first time here and i am going to try really hard to tell this story. my name is Zuton (user name zumantes mom), my angel's name is Zumante, and here is his story:

It was July 16th of this year. I was working at a daycare center for the summer and the school aged children were going on a field trip that day. I left my preschool classroom to go load the daycare van (I was the driver) and met Zumante coming out. At a glance, I could tell his breathing was not the best. As soon as we got in the van, I gave him a couple of inhaler puffs. He said he was okay but I kept a close eye on him the entire trip. By the time we were ready to return I was carrying him on my back so that he wouldn't have to exert himself. I called his dad to ask him to meet us at the daycare with the nebulizer. He was waiting for us when we arrived and Zumante immediately had a breathing treatment. Although he improved a great deal, his dad took him home anyway and he was fine the rest of the afternoon. By the time I got off work, Zumante was going downhill again. He had a neb on the way home in the car and another as soon as we got in the house. I was downstairs when I heard him call out "Mommy!" I ran upstairs and said "What's wrong?" and he said "Mommy, I can't breathe anymore. It's too hard." I tried to calm him down and I ran to set up the portable car neb, thinking that as soon as he finished his treatment, we would head to the hospital. When I got back into the house, it had gotten worse. Zumante was thrashing around in a total panic and my fiance was trying to hold him and hold the neb mask on his face. I ran to get the phone and told him to call 911. I took Zumante into my arms and kept telling him that it would be okay. Then he passed out and his lips turned blue. I carried him downstairs and outside and walked across the lawn looking for the ambulance. By the time we made it to the hospital, I was told that my son had no heartbeat or pulse. He was revived after about ten minutes and taken to the Pediatric ICU. He stayed in the unit on a ventilator for four days. On July 20th, we removed him from the ventilator and he died within minutes.
Those of us left to mourn him include myself, his stepdad, four biological and five step siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and so many friends.
He would have been in fifth grade this year, and would have turned ten on August 14th.
His full name is Zumante Malik Lucero, for those of you that wish to view his memorial website on last-memories.

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 Post subject: Re: (Re)Introduce Yourself, Your Angel, Your Angel's Story
PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:47 am 
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Joined: Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:37 am
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Your User name and real name: Xandersmomforever (Jana)
Your Angels name(s): Xander Reed Lowe
Your Angels Birth Date: 9/14/08
Your Angels Death Date: 11/26/09
State that you live in: Ohio
Your Angels Memorial Page(s) (if you have one):

Xander was born with Cystic Fibrosis. We found this out when he was 3 weeks old. They said he had a "mild" case which would produce asthma like symptoms. We had to give him breathing treatments every day ( 2 x a day) and on Thanksgiving he was really having a hard time after his usual breathing treatment that morning. At 9:55 am we got to the ER for what I thought was a suction (we had done this before) little did I know that at 11:11 am he wold crash completely. He would not respond to any treatment and he died at 12:03 pm. It's been only 2 weeks and I even see and feel him near as if he is on vacation and will be back. I would like advice on how to move forward without him ...he was my baby...and I do have two older children Hunter (age 4) and Dakota (almost 3)...we all miss Xander than words can say...


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